Monday, 2 December 2013

Show me the way.

Show me the way.
'Nothing is better than sex
Masturbation is better than nothing
Therefore Masturbation is better than Sex!’

I’ve always wondered if masturbation is an ugly word or whether it just has a bad reputation.
There are many words for it so I guess that other people don’t like the word either. Just think about it – It’s called, wanking, buttering the mielie, jerking off, patting the pink paddle – you get the idea?
Masturbation is such an essential part of our sexual repertoire. As a girl it can teach us the difference between love and lust. It can help us discover what we like and what we don’t.
Let’s face it that men don’t come fitted with a Garmin and they NEVER ask for directions and even if they did would we know what to tell?
If you know what you want and how you want it AND you could teach your other half just the right way – wouldn’t that be wonderful? Imagine if you could just say – ‘No Dude, you’re in the wrong place move a little slower, one finger up and two fingers across.’  
One of my biggest complaints is that men stick their fingers into you like they are testing bath water. There is just nothing sexy about it, not even remotely.
Which brings me to mutual masturbation. This assumes that you and your partner are comfortable with masturbation and then are willing to take it to the next level.
 Mutual masturbation is a great way to connect with your partner and learn what he/she likes sexually so you can give better, more intense orgasm!
We tend to think of masturbation as a solitary event, but it can also be a great addition to any couple’s list of erotic options. Simultaneous masturbation is an all-fun/no-danger way to share enjoyment and get to know each other’s preferences.
So how do you go about it – It involves the two of you masturbating in each other’s presence. If you are in the room while she is touching and fingering herself, you can understand better what she needs and what you’re supposed to do when you’re in charge and visa versa.
Does she like short strokes or long strokes? Does she rub her clitoris clockwise or counter clockwise? Does she like her genitals be touched gently or does she like it rougher? Pulling or stretching? Fondling or fingering? And what about your favourite vibrator?
All these little secrets bring you closer and help you facilitate each other’s enjoyment of sex.
In order for her to feel comfortable enough to do it while you are watching, is only fair that you do it too. She will love watching you masturbate as much as you like watching her.
Once you both get worked up, you can switch and do each other (this is called mutual masturbation). There are numerous ways you can do this, just use your imagination, your hands and your tongues. And what about your favourite vibrator? And whatever you do - do not forget the lube. It's liking adding just enough seasoning to a gorgeous meal.
The amount of pleasure that you can both get out of this is immense. After such an intense bonding experience, you'll feel more prepared and more comfortable about sex with your partner.
Shared masturbation can and must build trust. When you expose yourself to another, you must know that your sharing is welcome, that you won’t be ridiculed. It's a bit like being safe enough to share a fantasy. Give it a try these holidays. We all know that nothing really beats 3pm holiday sex!
In case I don't get around to another post before the season is over - Happy Holidays. May you remain safe and spend time with those you love. And if you can't - well then love the ones you're with!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Why are men so interested in anal sex?

Lola Montez recently had a Ladies Night called ‘Inside his Dirty Little Mind’’ and it goes like this:

We invite 5 common garden variety demographically correct men to the event (it’s the only time they are allowed into this sacred ground) – There is only one rule – they have to answer truthfully or they can choose to pass.

The questions are completely anonymous so ANYTHING goes.

The questions are written on note and then stuck on a wall. The guys get to choose 4 questions they wish to answer and I choose the one’s they want to avoid!

I’m never really surprised by what they answer but I am constantly amazed at what is asked.

For the sake of brevity I have placed the questions into similar categories and then counted how many questions in each category. Here are the categories:
  •        Female Ejaculation
  •         Oral Sex
  •          Positions
  •          Stripping
  •          Anal Sex
  •          Vagina Grooming
  •         Breasts
  •         Cheating
  •          Commitment
  •          Weight
  •          Libido
  •          Fantasies
  •          And then a variety of others.

And the winner is ... Anal sex!

The big question is:
  •         What gives? Why is this something men want to do?
  •         What’s the obsession?
  •          Does it feel good for a man, is it different to the vagina?
  •          What is it that men like about anal sex?

And then one question about male anal sex – Knowing the male’s G-Spot resides in the anus, how willing/ do you want the girl to explore that?

The answers were hysterical – ranging from; Don’t you dare to why haven’t you done it yet!

The answers to the former questions were all similar – We’re curious, everyone is talking about it, it’s done in porn movies and it’s like marking territory.

The next obsession with us girls is – How to give the perfect blow job? To include the testicles or not? Does it feel good, different – necessary? Spit or swallow?

I look forward to the day when men are this concerned with how oral sex makes us feel and get tips on how to do it right!

And then the questions that always come up – waxed or not, what do you think about how we smell?  How to get the second date? And will men date fat women? Big or small boobs? AAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!

Here are some of the questions that really peaked my interest:
      Name the one question relating to sex that you would like to ask your female partner? (Can’t think of anything!)
      What is the best way to say we’re sorry? (It depends on the situation but sometimes the best thing to do is to be quiet)
       Is variety important? (Could you eat Nandos every day for the next 20 years?)
       What’s your favourite sex toy? (They all had one – so maybe they won’t be offended when we introduce a toy into our bedroom play)

Next month (August) the theme is James Bondage – come dressed to kill! To find out more visit our website for more information or call the boutique to book - 011-784 6630

Monday, 10 June 2013

Design Faults

My partner has just lost weight. Not a lot - he is looking HOT and very desirable but there is a problem. Along with weight loss across his tummy he has also lost bulk on his pubic bone and this has made sex a little more difficult!

This got me to thinking about design faults. One day when I get to the pearly gates (and I know I'll be welcome because I have made so many people happy!) I am going to have a discussion about design faults.

Women get a clitoris and for those of you who don't know - it sits on top and not inside. Theoretically not a problem but when you consider that most women orgasm from Clit Stimulation rather than penetration - you have to wonder.

Men get a penis and they think that the harder they pump the better! NO - it's the motion of the ocean and clit stimulation that does it for most of us.

Another design fault I battle to understand - it takes the average woman 15 to 20 minutes to orgasm, and if you're on antidepressants like most of the Northern Suburbs - 40 minutes. A man at his very best - 5 minutes! I ask you with frustration in my ...bones!

And my best of all - his P Spot - up his bum - really - UP HIS BUM!!

And why don't men vibrate? Yes they can hum, but not long or hard enough.

Yup it's going to be a long discussion. But now that I think about it I'd be out of business if these faults didn't exist, so maybe I should just be grateful! And on that happy note - pack out the clit vibrators. Watch my video on Clit Vibrators on YouTube

Friday, 19 April 2013

Would you have sex with Tuesday?

Would you have sex with Tuesday?

Tuesday is such a nothing kind of day. It has no personality, it just hangs around wanting some attention.
Let us compare it to Monday. Monday is universally despised but it is the day of new beginnings. Monday is the day we start our diet, we go back to the gym. On Monday we will get organised, get healthy or phone a relative.

Wednesday is Hump day, so of course we’ll have sex with Wednesday. Wednesday hints at things to come. Wednesday does not require much work and we know that after Wednesday the week is going to race to the Twins – the weekend!

Thursday is big mates with Friday. Thursday warms things up it hints at naughtiness and wild sex. Yup I would definitely have sex with Thursday.

And then comes The Dom – Friday. The bad boy of the week. The day that makes us want to be someone else. The day we experiment, do something different and ignore our responsibilities. Friday is so wild it is probably going to have a threesome with Saturday.

Saturday picks up where Friday left us reeling. Saturday is a bit bipolar. Sex with Saturday could be steamy and quick. It can be had in between the games on TV or the many chores that need to be completed or it could be slow and sensual first thing. Long afternoon play, with magical orgasms, stretching into the evening before and after dinner.

And Sunday is all about comfort sex. It is for cuddles and kissing. For recovering and getting ready for despised Monday.

But Tuesday? There is just nothing good to be said about Tuesday. Tuesday is the dork with no social skills. It’s awkward – If Tuesday was a person, I would definitely not have sex with Tuesday. On Tuesday I would have to use my latest toy. It’s new and very entertaining. It’s the Lelo Gigi. With Gigi I might make Tuesday watch!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Cougar - To be or not to be?

I recently did my radio show on Cougars! Something I know quite a lot about seeing as I am classified as one.
A cougar is an older woman who seeks sexual relations with considerably younger men. Typically, the term refers to women over 30-40 years old who pursue sexual relations with people more than eight years younger.  

In The Graduate starring Dustin Hoffman, the rule of thumb is half your age plus 7. Anything younger than that is inappropriate. Got to say, I agree. There is very little to say to someone so much younger.
As a Cougar my greatest concern has been the ravages of age on my body in comparison to his much younger, firmer skin. I have combated this by ensuring that I am NEVER on top – all that sagging is bound to smother someone and is bloody unattractive!

I do have a couple of rules. 

He must have an education, job and car.

He must be able to have a conversation with my friends.

He cannot play ‘Playstation’ with my child and

Pays his own way, picks up his own dirty clothes - I am NOT his mother. 

Whose car we use depends on where we are going and who has petrol! 

We’ve been together now for over 10 years so clearly I have something he wants and it is not my money! It can work. We just have to get over our own insecurities and bask in the delights available.   
For more insights you can follow me on Twitter @SaSexpert
