Thursday, 27 March 2014

Romantic date - Date in a Box

Date in a Box

This can also work if you are involved in a long distance relationship. 

You can have a great date and 'meet' anywhere in the world. Think of a destination you'd both love to visit. Then send a package of items related to your chosen hot spot with a note on the outside of the box not to open it until your partner receives a call from you. 

For example: If you've always wanted to go to Mexico send your partner a package with a picture of you wearing a sombrero - then include a sombrero in the box. A CD of Mexican songs, a Mexican Flag, some edible treats and Tequila! Add pictures of tourist spots, fun facts about these places. 

If you are far away from each other you can take a 'walk' through these places over the phone. Or sit side by side on the couch. 

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